Cybersecurity, AI and quantum -

business and social opportunities

Washington - New York - Boston

20 to 27 April 2024 | USA

Fully booked 
For special requests please write us at: 

About the program

Seminar Booklet




Strategy and leadership in today's era of algorithms and digital networks

Using digital technology to drive growth

Opportunities and risks of quantum computing - the need for post-quantum cryptography

Ensuring AI benefits society

AI ecosystem: How to maintain and improve the security of economy and society? What role do governments, regulators, business, and civil society need to play?

Strengthening the relationship between the USA and Switzerland for the benefit of economy and society
Washington D.C._Foto_Agenda_adaptiert

An essential part of the seminar is the exchange of experiences, ideas and interests between parliamentarians, c-level representatives from government, academic and business leaders.